Verification of a nation
Facelift or paradigm shift
Strategy or elegy
Building the political legacy
Convoluted or convolutional
Confused, complicated or delusional
Pythagoras worship
A sinking ship
Number one or number no one
Gone, persisting or holding two
People lost in numbers three
For circles in the sand,
zero zero zero
Distracted or disrupted
Retracted or erupted
Economies of decline
Who will be the hero?
Cognitive development or learning
Machine yearnings or earnings
Watchtowers and hot showers
Transformation of society
Handless, hand-free
Deepfakes, faceless
NASA sweaters
Processing information
Bad weather
Data science for every appliance
Applications on untapped markets
Markets with targets and cost per click
Click click click click counting
Repeating words has become trendy
Not strange with a copy-paste culture
We are industrious 4.0 right here right now
Manufacturing affordable lifestylesLivestreaming, uploading, rewriting
Dreaming of nature
Rejuvenated nostalgia
I wish I had a more novel narration
Than techlash — a rehash
If I was more semantic and less pedantic
With a newer model citizen
Release of human software to my hardware
Still with IKEA tableware
As if I knew where
Looking at the ‘made in’
Made in Human
If I was made in human
Who would my nemesis be
If I was worn by you then
Ten times as believable
Rave reviews on Amazon
I am Alex you Alexa
Text to speech and speech to text
What should I say next
Should I be eating soufflé?
How do I even make real
Waiting for the buffé
Autocorrected to modernist
I wanted to say modernity
Flattered by how well you know
Afflicted by the way you predict
I feel so autocompleted
I cannot figure you out
If you are superhero or super-villain
Love how those two words are
Together when hero
Split when villain
Such a binary opposition
Good and evil
Technically correct
Human rights
Bright Lights
Neon rights
Resting on my lap
Caressing my Mac
I feel so Google Home
This is day 30 of #500daysofAI.
I do my best to keep it varied. So far it has been quite a ride and I will do my best to create a summary of all the days shortly. Mostly my writing has been articles, however I more recently started a podcast with interviews of researchers in the field of artificial intelligence. Just thought I would give you something special on this day 30, shake it up slightly.
Some have started suggesting I should get an algorithm to write my final article, what do you think?
I write a new article every day about artificial intelligence, so if you are interested in this topic please follow me here on Medium. I will likely post more articles than poetry though, so keep up, press that follow button and see what happens.
What is #500daysofAI?
I am challenging myself to write and think about the topic of artificial intelligence for the next 500 days with the #500daysofAI. It is a challenge I invented to keep myself thinking of this topic and share my thoughts.
This is inspired by the film 500 Days of Summer where the main character tries to figure out where a love affair went sour, and in doing so, rediscovers his true passions in life.