AI and Data in EU 2020
A Short Summary of the Two Recent White Papers Released in February
I thought I would make an honest attempt at summarising the two different strategies. There are two reports released on the 19th of February 2019. A report called On Artificial Intelligence — A European approach to excellence and trust, as well as A European strategy for data.
On Artificial Intelligence — A European approach to excellence and trust (19th of February 2020)
Twin Objective of: (1) promoting the uptake of AI and addressing the risks associated with certain uses of this new technology. It argues that Europe’s current and future sustainable economic growth and societal wellbeing increasingly draws on value created by data. It strongly stresses that AI is one of the most important applications of the data economy. According to the white paper AI is a collection of technologies that combine data, algorithms and computing power. The white paper sets out measures to align efforts at European, national and regional level. Building an ecosystem of trust is a policy objective in itself. There is a mention too of securing data to ensure ‘Europe’s technological sovereignty’ with a clear focus on the AI value chain, and outlined investment in digital infrastructure. The past three years, EU funding for research and innovation for AI has risen to €1.5 billion, i.e. a 70% increase compared to the previous period. It mentions low-energy solutions and neuromorphic solutions as ideal to industrial processes. In terms of actions EU will be working with member states on AI with a revision of the Coordinated Plan on AI to be adopted by end 2020. The objective is to attract over €20 billion of total investment in the EU per year in AI over the next decade. To stimulate private and public investment, the EU will make available resources from: The Digital Europe Programme, Horizon Europe European Structural and Investment Funds. With a focused efforts on the research and innovation community. Mentioning a lighthouse focus to coordinate efforts and to offer world-leading masters programmes in AI (Digital Europe Programme) while attracting the best professors. The Commission will set up a new public private partnership in AI and ‘Adopt AI programme’ that will support public procurement of AI systems, and help to transform public procurement processes themselves. This while growing quantum computing, following the 2030 agenda and the EU guidelines on trustworthy AI, facilitating a path towards a future regulatory framework.
A European strategy for data (19th of February 2019)
The European data strategy presented on the 19th of February 2020. There are seven clear mentions relating to artificial intelligence. The data strategy can be seen together with the white paper on AI. It stresses the importance in regards to availability of data for AI systems. It voices the problem expressed in the second mention, and further elaborates on the use and re-use. It is about data infrastructures and technologies in terms of uptake within the public sector. The EU will allocate a large investment into cloud infrastructure. There is an importance for private sector to benefit from value chain of data generation. There will be further investment in AI and robotics in the Horizon Europe programme with the mention of the partnership for artificial intelligence.
If you want to read more in-depth I have previously written two articles, each on the two separate white papers mentioned above.
This is #500daysofAI and you are reading article 266. I am writing one new article about or related to artificial intelligence every day for 500 days. My current focus for 100 days 200–300 is national and international strategies for artificial intelligence.